HackMyVM - Hommie

Fri, April 26, 2024 - 2 min read


hommie image

machine downloaded from https://hackmyvm.eu/

difficulty: Easy

OS: Linux

  1. Scan the network
sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r

The IP address is

  1. port and service scanning with nmap
sudo nmap -p- -sS -sC -sV --min-rate=5000 -n -Pn -vvv -oN report.txt

hommie image

hommie image

I’m trying to enumerate urls but I can’t find anything.

hommie image

We have a username alexia, and in an FTP scan it’s interesting that we can load with anonymous.

hommie image

Inside the ftp server we found a new hide folder .web with an index.html, we can upload files but the Apache server doesn’t run php and we can’t run web-reverse-shells.

hommie image

  1. After reading other writeups I learn that we can search other services using UDP protocol.
nmap -sU --top-ports 100

We can see the TFTP service.

hommie image



We can connect to this service, but we don’t have any commands to list the content. We can try to download the id_rsa file, which is the reference in the web page.

hommie image

  1. Connect to user alexia and the private key, and we get the user flag.

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  1. See if alexia has anything to do with privilege escalation.

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  1. /opt/showMetheKey file

If we investigate about the file, it’s an executable file, with command string we can see that execute a command cat with variable HOME, if we change variable HOME for of the root user we can see private sshkey of this user.

hommie image

  1. With the root’s private user key, we can log in as root and search his home folder, we found a note with a message.

hommie image

  1. Use the find command to search the root.txt file and get the flag.
find / -name "root.txt"

hommie image